Innerchild is composer/ lyricist/ vocalist Ralph Guida, born in Brooklyn, NY, and raised on Long Island, NY, in
the village of Lindenhurst. "The music is a gift of God; it is a beginning ~ a means to more good work." -Innerchild
The divinely inspired and enabled music is meant to enlighten, encourage, uplift, and inspire others; to create
a place to relate and reflect ~ to help progress on this road of life spiritually. In doing so they are meant to
spread the love of Jesus Christ; His teaching that we love one another and become one in Him.
"For he has made known to us in all wisdom and insight the mystery of His will, according to his purpose which He
set forth in Christ as a plan for the fulness of time, to unite all things in Him, things in Heaven and things on earth."
Ephesians 1:9-10
This successful sonic primary phase will then serve as impetus through awareness and support for the projected
projects. In using our God-given minds, as guided by the Holy Spirit, we are able to find creative ways of helping those
in less favorable circumstances than our own. Projected projects include various innovative charitable organizations,
informative and thought provoking books, advocacy groups, a "cheesy" vegetarian restaurant (chain?)and even an international
magazine. These proposed effective mechanisms for positive change are listed with some detail on the next page as
italicised above.